Cultural Human Resources Council


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Cultural Human Resources Council

Welcome to the
CHRC Newsletter
July 2024

Dear readers,

We hope your summer is enjoyable so far!

CHRC is getting ready for the upcoming AGM and the opportunity to report the 2023-2024 achievements.

In the meantime, we wanted to share that we are also preparing a schedule for another round of Respectful Workplaces, The Art of Managing Your Career and Board 101 presentations across the country. Members will receive direct invitations and CHRC is interested in working with anyone who wishes to host. Should you have any HR matters that need to be addressed, remember that CHRC offers guidance/accompaniment to its members, sign up or renew today in order to access member benefits and reduced rates, we’re here to help. We hope to see or hear from you soon!

Another pressing item: if you have not already done so, please complete the individual revenue survey. This research, relevant to all cultural occupations, has been requested time and again. We aim to collect a higher number of responses to ensure optimal representativeness.

Kind regards,


Grégoire Gagnon, D. Mus., MPA & MBA
Executive Director, CHRC


Save-the-date! CHRC will hold the Annual General Meeting on September 23rd at Noon EDT.

All members will receive an invitation with RSVP link in early August. If you want to exercise voting privileges, please make sure to sign up or renew today.

The Nominations Committee is actively seeking new members for the Board! Members may nominate or self-nominate, invitations to do so will be sent out shortly. Please contact if you have any questions or interest in joining.


194 Student Work Placement (SWP) and 32 Young Canada Works (YCW) opportunities have been created for a combined 226 internships across the country representing over $1.2M in internship wage support. Many thanks to all the employers who applied and who are easing the next generation of cultural workers into the sector.

A word of thanks to our funders, Employment and Social Development Canada and the Canadian Heritage, for their contribution to our sector’s vitality.

NB, the weekly information sessions for the SWP program are suspended until the fall.

If you have any questions about the programs, please contact CHRC staff.


Past, Present and Future

After a strategic positioning exercise (2021), a communications audit (2022) and many internal discussions, CHRC is working on improved communication about the value proposition, proposed vision and public brand awareness. This process is being supported by CHRC Board, members, staff, funders and expert external consultants. More to come soon!

CHRC on the Road

Since our last newsletter, Halifax, Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Banff, Red Deer and Regina were destinations for combined onsite employer/intern visits for the SWP and YCW programs as well as presentation on The Art of Managing Your Career.

CHRC thanks the employers, students, graduates and post-secondary host institutions for their work and contributions to the sector. We’re happy to see the wonderful impacts for and by arts & cultural individuals and organizations.

A few images workplace visits during 2023-2024. Photo credit, CHRC.

IDEA Roundtable

On June 17, we hosted a discussion to share thoughts and recommendations around a recent Hill Strategies Research Inc’s analysis about CHRC’s 2024 survey on affordability and working conditions for artists and other cultural sector workers within the cultural sector. The discussion focused around the finding that 78% of responding artists have experienced systemic barriers in their careers, including but not limited to: Sexism, ageism, class, race, mental ability or disability, and sexual orientation. The group was asked for their thoughts on these findings, and how we can address these challenges within our spaces.

Thank you to those who participated, and for sharing amazing insight during such an important conversation. We would love for all of you to join us in the future, to hear your thoughts, questions and recommendations around IDEA within our sector. Let’s continue to build together!

The discussion group is:

  • Free of charge
  • Open to both members and non-members

The sessions will take place every 2 to 3 months online. If you would like to join us, please email to receive the calendar invitation. You may also submit questions and agenda items ahead of the meeting to the aforementioned email.

Listings from

Canada's national job board for the whole cultural sector!

Job Postings on

CHRC's team at your service!

Executive Director
Grégoire Gagnon

Administrative Assistant / YCW Coordinator
Honorine Muhirwa

Administrative Officer
Marwa Alibakhiet

Administrative Officer
Kevin Gorchakov

Administrative Officer
Nicola Schneider

Amalec Escobar

Michael Lechasseur

A list of Board members can be found on CHRC's web site at

Featured Organisation Plus Member

MASCMASC offers schools and communities arts experiences led by professional artists that awaken the creative process, deepen cultural awareness, encourage engagement, and give vivid demonstration of Canada's diversity.

Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC)
c/o Impact Hub Ottawa, 123 Slater St., 6th Floor, Ottawa, ON  K1P 5H2
Tel. 613-562-1535   Fax 613-562-2982